Friday, March 23, 2012

Tegans 3rd Post

Tegan’s 3rd Blog Post


At the End of chapter 14 Celia tells Matt about her past. Basically, Celia met a coyote which was a man who takes people over the border as it says on page 142. Celia was taken by the farm patrol. A real world applications that relate is illegal immigration. Celia lived on The border of Aztlan and the United states. She had lived their all her life until she had met the Coyote who tried to take her accross the borders where she was caught by farm patrol. After this she belonged to El Patron. I Think that Celia turned to the Coyote because she didn’t want to live in that same grey building the rest of her life with other workers. Celia always dreamed of going to the United States even though she knew how dangerous it was.

There is an article in the new york times about how in Mexico and Arizona the amount of illegal immigrants have decreased but now the illegal immigrants that do come over are potentially more dangerous and sometimes bring illegal substances. I think that this relates to what happened in The House Of The Scorpion because Celia illegally crossed the border to the United States and this happens quite alot in the real world.
In the article, it says that There was an expansion of border patrol of more then 21 000 agents along with survalience systems. A recent arrest was found with nearly 40 pounds of herion in his backpack. There were nearly 500 assaults on federal officers along the arizona border. It just goes to show what people would do to get into a country.

1 comment:

  1. I really like how you related this article to the book. Although I found that maybe you could have looked more at the feelings that Celia showed when she was going across the border. I found that Farmer really showed that Celia and her friends put so much of their hopes into getting across the border. Other things that were really good to me that you may want to look into more clearly is how she was treated. In your article you found it stated that these people coming across were cruel and viscouse people. But with Celia that wasn't really what happened at all. She was just trying to escape to a better life, as she told Matt “’What an idiot I was! Those people don’t help you go anywhere. They lead you straight to the Farm Patrol.’” It really showed me that these people in the book weren't trying to get across illegally with drugs and such. But almost more to just get to a better life and less of poverty.

    Jordan 9.4
