Saturday, April 14, 2012

Roundtable response:
  • What did you think of the final section of the novel, LA VIDA NUEVA, in terms of plot?
I thought it was confusing and hard to follow, despite the normally enjoyable fast-moving plot. and it was kind of Hard to follow.
  • How did Farmer develop the characters throughout the novel, and did she do a good job? How do you know?
She did a good job, except at the end where there is really no further way to develop the charecters. she developed them by explaining their thoughts, their motives, and then mentioning their reactions to events that carried a message about their responsibility.
  • In terms of plot development, was the novel well crafted? Why or why not?
In general terms, the novel was well crafted as far as the plot concerned, but at the end it was almost as if the author thought: “NO! i still have all these events to write about”, and the story became condensed and frantic, and that caused me to lose the storyline. in the last 4 chapters.

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